Chess Strategies

  1. All You Need To Know About The Vienna Game

    All You Need To Know About The Vienna Game
    The Vienna Game is a flexible opening for White which may contain aggressive intentions. Learn everything you need to know to get started!
  2. Keep It Simple With The Tried And Tested French Defense

    Keep It Simple With The Tried And Tested French Defense
    The French Defense is a dependable response for Black to 1. e4. Learn everything you need to know to get started with this chess opening!
  3. Upgrade Your Chess Game With The Woodpecker Method

    Upgrade Your Chess Game With The Woodpecker Method
    The woodpecker method is a book and great way for adults to improve their game by GMs Axel Smith and Hans Tikkanen.
  4. Make Your New Chess Tactic Mantra "Don't Lose!"

    Make Your New Chess Tactic Mantra "Don't Lose!"
    We all want to win our chess games but believing that we will win every game is an unrealistic approach. Drawn games in chess are a common occurrence and are not seen as failures. Before we can think about winning, it is good to ensure that at least we do not lose. Acquiring the skills, we need to hold our position together requires understanding how attacks are carried out in chess and how we can turn attacks aside.
  5. When Does The Greek Gift Sacrifice Make Sense?

    When Does The Greek Gift Sacrifice Make Sense?
    The Greek Gift can be a great way to open up the middlegame. when successful you can rapidly move to the endgame and check your opponent.
  6. Making Use of Draws in Chess

    Making Use of Draws in Chess
    Chess is similar to test cricket in that draws are an accepted part of the game. The main difference is that in chess, draws are reached in hours, but in test cricket, they are reached after days of play. In both instances, the play leading to the draw is valued and enjoyed. The advantage can swing from one side to the other.
  7. Ravage and Reap Rewards With Rooks in Chess

    Ravage and Reap Rewards With Rooks in Chess
    Rooks in chess are known as major pieces and, like the queen, are excellent for attacking and defending. All chess players must learn to balance attack and defense with their rooks. Fortunately, getting more from your rooks is not tricky. There are guiding principles to help you use the rooks in chess to their fullest potential.
  8. Modern Defense

    Modern Defense
    Return to the basics with the Modern Defense, and you will get a defense that works against virtually every opening move by White. The Modern Defense is a simple, robust, dynamic chess opening leading to exciting games. We got so enamored with openings and caught up in all the glitz and glamor of intricate variations, but at their essence, openings are about reaching a playable middlegame.
  9. Active Pieces Are Vital to Winning Chess Endgames

    Active Pieces Are Vital to Winning Chess Endgames
    The endgame is a fascinating phase of a chess game. There are all sorts of strategies to help you navigate them with success. Learning these endgame concepts can become an exciting voyage of discovery; the best part is that you will likely be on this journey for your entire chess career.
  10. Rack up Wins With the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack

    Rack up Wins With the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack
    Looking for an opening, you can play for many years? Then the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack is for you! This chess opening is easy to learn as a beginner but strong enough to challenge players rated 2000 Elo. Positionally sound with easy-to-learn plans, you can feel confident playing the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack after a weekend of opening study.

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